Rabu, 31 Juli 2013

Experiencing EXCELSO Cafe Kuningan City

When Coffe is your lifestyle.. is the logo of this cafe

Well unfortunately I would not give a comment about the coffe itself since that noon we visited this place for a quick lunch.. *dissapointedsmile*

That Noon, three of us felt hungry and ran for late lunch to Kuningan City mall. In order to avoid the crowd of restaurant we picked a cafe to grab little lunch *well when you see the menu is not so small after all.

What menu do we choose:
1. TACO BEEF as starter, the price is average, but i love the cheese taste, but not too crunchy. 6.5/10
2. MAIN COURSE: CARBONARA Fettucini, price average: IDR 45mio. the taste 7.5/10 and I also ordered Excelso Club Sandwhich, and I forgot to take a picture of it *punchontheface*

 3. DRINK: Strawberry Yogurt Smoothies and Berry Summer smoothies for free :) i really like the beverage i choose its not too sour as berry summer, so i picked Strawberry Yogurt Smoothies as favorite. 7.5/10
Strawberry Yogurt Smooties

Berry's Summer

Overall its just an ordinary type of menu which im pretty sure other cafe would have those menu, but worth to visit. The price range is between 30-100k, so its not that much. Pretty reasonable price for the mall cafe.

It is placed on the upper ground no.42 of Kuningan City,
 here is the phone to make reservation: 021 - 3048 0840

Senin, 22 Juli 2013


Ihiiy ada sesuatu yg pengen dicritain nih, super seneng tapi lupa cerita.
One Day, aku balik dari lunch di Kuningan City (well bukannya apa, tapi emang kantorku kan sekarang di AXA tower, otomatis makan cuma bisa disitu plus harganya juga mahal.. *tepak jidat) dan aku melihat ada bungkusan menarik di kursi work desk aku,.. hmmm apa itu..

tenyata ada bungkusan dan bisa kutebak isinya, tas Suite Blanco yg udah aku incer. Kalo kata temen yg duduk disebrangku yg super edgy itu TAS DORAEMON, krn segala benda muat hahaha...

Bungkusan ini yang kasih si Ibu Dinar - temen kerja yg duduknya disebelah temenku yg edgy itu. Alasannya ngasih katanya sih iseng aja, pas dia turun n dia liat ini benda terus dia kepikiran beli aja buat aku.. 
WOW super baik gak sih? #super

Ini nih penampakan tasnya, mau liat?
Tas warna hijau telor asin ini emang belum aku punya, plus talinya warna cream yg aku suka juga.. ihiiy *jingkrakplusgoyang2tangandiataskepala.. bahannya leather imitation sih kyknya, plus ini super gede hahaha.. 

Langsung deh aku ngacir meluk si Ibu Dinar temen yg baik hati itu.. kayaknya ini tas yg beli di mall Kuningan City ber-merk yg pertama aku punya sejak tahun 2009 (tahun 2009 beli Guess tapi krn ga dipake2 kulitnya ngelotok jadi deh ga mau beli GUESS lagi..)

SUITE BLANCO itu merk apa sih? Jadi itu toko fashion jual segala barang kaya sepatu, tas, socks, wallet, underwear, cloth, dress, top, scarf even payung dia juga punya (payung modis gitu). Jadi Blanco itu merk Spanish - Espanyola negeri Amerika latin itu.. hebat juga ya mereka.. tapi harganya ga mahal2 amat, jadi masih terjangkau.. Toko online-nya saat ini cuma ada di Spanyol, Portugal, sama Perancis.. 

nih kalo mau liat2 contoh bajunya, tokonya sih ada di KUningan City dan Plaza Senayan, aku ga tau deh kalau ditempat lain ada: http://www.blanco.com/

Warms - RH.

Jumat, 05 Juli 2013

Online Shop: BERRY BENKA

This is my first time shop in Berry Benka - Jakarta fashion online shop. You can read more the information in this website: http://berrybenka.com/
My Chest size is 100cm so a bit difficult to find online shop that provide the details about their product precisely and  I can say I am very excited about this online shop.
They have many brands, house brand that has a good quality materials/cotton etc.
I choose KIVEE brand at this time, and of course I am a breastfeeding mom, an front button would be very important for me. This Rayon material I bought was very comfy, i almost can't believe to touch them so soft and cool.
They dont smell bad also.
Sorry in the picture was too bad, because I took it with iphone 3G 2MP camera and its at night too.
My order deliver just a day after I paid, I paid at noon then tommorow morning I have received the item. its super fast!!
overal, BerryBenka was a very reccomended store!
The Packaging was very neat

they flip it very nice

The look inside my closet ;)

I think I look Ok in it ;)