Selasa, 15 Juli 2014


Fatback restaurant terletak di lantai Dasar FX mall.
Basically, saya kurang tertarik dengan FX mall, it seems complicated and small to me.
Namun, minggu lalu teman saya ajak ketemuan di mall ini alhasil saya ikut aja.

Fatback restaurant ini menjual western food. Their menu is very variety. My first impression when I visited this place is, well its a teenage hangout buddy! Yup, ini tempat isinya anak kuliahan semua dan sedikit karyawan muda. Not a family resto. Food all junkfood which is good hahaha...

Waktu itu saya pesen satu menu saja yaitu Beef Stroganoff Butter Rice (38k). It taste realllly good. Enak banget. Butter ricenya sih porsinya kecil banget, entah aku emang agak rakus tapi kalau rada banyak aku pasti seneng banget! CHEESE in everywhere. My other friend ordered Carbonara Rice which is her favorite, Popcorn chicken and Chili Fries. Still Cheese is everywhere.
I love their menu style, just like american breakfast restaurant
Beef stroganoff butter rice

I would like to go there again, but to be honest I can't stand sitting there too long because its smoking area.
I barely can't breath end up with me having migrain all night at home. Maybe, just another visit with a quickie meal would be all right.

Can't wait to try their phily's steak! I try in Johny Rocket and their taste good. I wonder how is fatback.

FX Sudirman, FB floor. jl Jend Sudirman.