Senin, 29 Desember 2014

KOREAN FOOD - School Food blooming Mari @ Lotte Shopping Avenue

Lupa banget mau cerita tentang resto ini. Konsepnya sih seperti namanya school food, resto Korea ini menjual makanan anak sekolahan, jadi semacam jajanan di deket sekolah korea or bekal sekolah. Tapi kok pas makan harganya ga sesuai ya sama kantong anak sekolah hihihi..

Sempet datang ke sana bareng temen-temen ex Gedung Kantor lama (beneran karena geng gw ini sama sama kerja di GKBI building tp nama kantornya beda-beda). Trus krn itu pas bulan puasa dan ternyata sepi restaurant-nya jadi kita kumpul disini deh.

Waitressnya sigap banget menyapa kita, ramah n cukup mengagetkan, beneran deh karena suaranya lantang. Lokasi OK, restauran designnya juga lumayan fancy (padahal harusnya school kan temanya ya?).


Kimbab - Kita order yg Mix Mari ya or family mari, lupa deh tapi yg jelas tampangnya kaya dibawah, lumayan banyak padahal kita udah berlima tp ga habis (kl di jepang disebut sushi, disini mungkin lemper hihihi) 

Jjangachi Ramyon - ini porsinya besar, seperti ramyon khas korea lah, bumbunya dan juga pedesnya pas bener, cuman harganya aja ga mirip di Seoul paling harganya sekitar IDR 25rb disini IDR 70rb.

Cheese Toppoki - ini porsinya juga lumayan, meltingnya mozarela ini beneran deh yummi, imagine that you are Korean Italiano.. ini salah satu alasan pengen balik k resto ini untuk makan Toppoki versi itali ini.. :)

Lupa mau sebutin namanya, tp kalau gak salah aku beli Strawberry Cotton gitu, rasanya sih kaya Strawberry soda water gitu, standar sih harga sekitar iDR 35k.

Cotton heaven 

Set of Family Mari 

Jjangachi Ramyon

Cheese Mozzarella Toppoki- JUARA banget!!

Nah lain kali kamu mampir k Lotte Shopping Avenue, coba deh naik ke lantai 3, trus di seberang sushi tei coba tengok ada resto in, worth to try kok. 

Ciputra World, Lotte Shopping Avenue, Lantai 3, Jl. Prof Dr Satrio, Karet, Jakarta

ERZ, love. 

Selasa, 14 Oktober 2014

[REVIEW] SKIN FOOD - Quinoa Rich BOdy Milk

This body milk is in the form lotion.
It contains of quinoa extract promising to create a creamy layer to give a dry skin a softer, smoother texture.

what is quinoa (Chenopodium Quinoa) is cultivated on Andes Mountain. Its found and famous for anti-irritant, anti-oxidant, and has repairing properties. The Quinoa seeds is fermented to elevate to the next level.

  • Silky smooth body lotion
  • fast absorb
  • fresh feeling in hand
  • Smell unique typically SKINFOOD which is nice
  • temporarily moist  last only 5 min
  • when I scratch (small scratch in my hand) its dry look again in very short time

Will not buy this product.

Senin, 11 Agustus 2014

LATTICE CAFE - Egg Benedict style for breakfast

It is obvious I love breakfast menu. Sometimes the reason for me staying in a hotel is because their breakfast options.

I would like to tell my late lunch in Lattice cafe. Its a small cafe in Deutsche Bank Office (my husband office). Lattice sell options of pasta with pretty high price. I really think the price they offer is a bit expensive compare to their cafe condition which is not big or fancy like Starbucks, Coffe bean etc.

This chance I picked their EGG BENEDICT. Yes, it is again a Breakfast menu :).  My colleague at work tell me that Egg benedict with hollandaise sauce was awesome. The way she told me makes me curious then I try this.

My opinion is their sauce is bad. I dont really grip in my tongue that they had great taste. Their pasta is good but this egg benedict taste so so and over price :). If then next time I found in another restaurant and I still don't like it, maybe my taste just doesn't fit in with this breakfast menu.

Lattice Cafe:
Deutsche Bank Building
Jl Imam Bonjol no.80
Jakarta Pusat 10310

Kamis, 07 Agustus 2014

[talkoutlaugh] baby Zach "biarin gendut"

Sudah cukup lama tidak cerita tentang baby Zach.

Now he is more than 2.5years. Baby Zach sangat unik dia suka banget "bicara" alias bawel.

Misalnya dia kan suka sekali makan sampai tembem pipinya, terus kita bilang:
Mommie: Zach, ini sudah jam 9 malam, jangan makan nasi lagi ya
Zach: Mau nasi momi..
Momie: Nanti gendut gimana?
Zach: Biarin gendut,.. (trus dia ngomong sambil peragaan tanganya) biarin bakpau.. pipinya,..

Wahahaha, I love my boy!

PIZZA HUT - High Breakfast at low Price!

Yesterday, I was about too early to the office. Me and husband decided to stop and have a breakfast in Pizza Hut BenHil, Jakarta.

Its been a while since I noticed they had breakfast item, but I never got the chance to taste them. Now is the time.

Whats interesting?
They have several egg platter menu which give you FREE (1-6 choices) items such us coffee, tea, pizza, porridge etc.
Their portion is also just enough for breakfast, not too much and not too small.  Their vietnamese coffee

What did we picked?
Husband choose Rice Omelette Platter IDR 26,700
Me choose Beef Mushroom Omellete Platter IDR 26,700
Free: Caliza (kind of calzone type of pizza) and Vietnamese Coffee.

They taste great, just see the picture!
You can check the menu here in this Menu PH link.

Selasa, 15 Juli 2014


Fatback restaurant terletak di lantai Dasar FX mall.
Basically, saya kurang tertarik dengan FX mall, it seems complicated and small to me.
Namun, minggu lalu teman saya ajak ketemuan di mall ini alhasil saya ikut aja.

Fatback restaurant ini menjual western food. Their menu is very variety. My first impression when I visited this place is, well its a teenage hangout buddy! Yup, ini tempat isinya anak kuliahan semua dan sedikit karyawan muda. Not a family resto. Food all junkfood which is good hahaha...

Waktu itu saya pesen satu menu saja yaitu Beef Stroganoff Butter Rice (38k). It taste realllly good. Enak banget. Butter ricenya sih porsinya kecil banget, entah aku emang agak rakus tapi kalau rada banyak aku pasti seneng banget! CHEESE in everywhere. My other friend ordered Carbonara Rice which is her favorite, Popcorn chicken and Chili Fries. Still Cheese is everywhere.
I love their menu style, just like american breakfast restaurant
Beef stroganoff butter rice

I would like to go there again, but to be honest I can't stand sitting there too long because its smoking area.
I barely can't breath end up with me having migrain all night at home. Maybe, just another visit with a quickie meal would be all right.

Can't wait to try their phily's steak! I try in Johny Rocket and their taste good. I wonder how is fatback.

FX Sudirman, FB floor. jl Jend Sudirman.

Senin, 19 Mei 2014

[REVIEW] Manhattan Fish Market - LOVE

Jakarta, 14th May 2014 - Manhattan Fish Market Restaurant - Lotte Shoping Avenue (LOVE).

I've been wondering to try this restaurant since my first sight in Central Park. I keep passing but not yet decide to try. Finally I got a chance ( a coupon of trying new branch in LOVE). The coupon is IDR 110,000,- for two main course: Citrus Baked Seafood and Fish and Chips.

Last Wednesday, the moment when the traffic is horrific in kuningan area, so I decided to fit the belly before continuing home. We didn't make order by phone but luckily the restaurant still accommodate us (its not crowd). The waitress say hi and serve us with book of Menu.  We picked Beverage since the main course is in the voucher.

  1. 1. Sunset by the Bay IDR 39k - its a earl gray tea with Peach flavor (i personaly dont like it because it taste like a lipstik ;) )

  2. Orange Juice IDR 25k - I find it very refreshing, because it taste original orange juice! finally
  3. Fried Mushroom IDR 32k - I love it, a bit salty but the sauce its too sweet, prefer the sour and creamy than this sweet, taste like mustard with honey.
  4. Manhattan Fish and Chips IDR 55k - Well, its eatable, I don't find its extra-ordinary but just OK. the fish is too soft, and not crispy. It served with fried potatoes which is Ok, but I love the sauce. 
  5. Citrus Baked Seafood IDR 89 - It taste awful, I hate this kind of seafood smell and taste really odd, my husband could eat it but it just doesn't fit my tongue.
So Jakarta Dinning this time is not finding me satisfaction. I am still curios on their pasta so I might visit again maybe in different mall to give a try. 

Here is the address:
Manhattan Fish Market 
Lotte Shopping Avenue, 4F (beside Lotteria)
Jl. Prof. Dr Satrio, Jaksel 12940

Kamis, 24 April 2014

[talkoutlaugh] baby Zach teaching Daddy

Jakarta, 25 April 2014. Pagi ini baby Zach bikin kita (me n husband) laugh out of his conversation:

Mommie sedang dressing duduk di dressing table, lalu Daddy masuk ke kamar dan menuju kamar mandi.
Zach ditinggal di ruang tamu karena kupikir sibu main mobilan...
Tiba-tiba Zach masuk dengan nada tergesa dan terdengar urgent,.. Sambil jalan lompat-lompat dia mengadu ke mommie..

Zach: mommmiiiiieeeee, momiiieeeee
Momie: ada apa sayang?
Zach: Henpon Dadi.. di depan,.. (sambil terbata melangkah menuju kasur )
Momie mengikuti..
Zach : Henpon Dadi angan taro depan tau.. dicini aja.. (sambil meletakan hanpon di kasur kamar)..

Daddy yg udah di kamar mandi ga jadi mandi langsung keluar,.. memeluk Zach.. aduuuh maafin daddi ya taruh sembarangan Hp nya,..makasih ya...

Zach senyum - senyum,..

I am so proud of my 2 years old baby, please keep being nice and obey God,,.. I love you baby Zach..
Zach is very talkative..

Rabu, 16 April 2014

[FUNNYTALK]Zachary : Bosen Sikat gigi

Jakarta, 17 April 2014. Zachary was about to sleep, and asking me to go to the room.
I ask him to brush his teeth with Daddy and he start cry out loud, and even squeeze the toothpaste out of the tube till finish ( he and his daddy into a fight). Then I approach,..

Mommie : Zach kenapa nangis,..
Zach : ndak mau cikat gigi... momie.. hiks hiks..
Mommie : mau bobo kan?
Zach : mau tapi ga mau sikat gigi..
Mommie : hemm tuh liat Daddy jadi sedih kan? dia keluar ga mau temenan ma Zac lagi..
Zach : nda mauuuuuk.. *yelling*
Mommie : please Zach, kenapa ga mau cikat gigi
Zach : aku aku aku boceeeen momiiiii
Mommie : *ketawa ngakak dalam hati* (karena beneran ga tau dapat kata bosen dari siapa, krn selama ini ga pernah bilang bosen ke dia,) 
ouw gituu.. kalo sama momi bocen ga?
Zach : iyahh cama momie aja..

*yaelah dari tadi kek bilang* LOL...

new vocab : BOSEN !

Selasa, 15 April 2014

[FUNNYTALK] Baby Zachary talk out loud - maap daddy

Jakarta, 15 April 2014.

My 2 years old baby boy talk lots of funny conversation that always makes us smile.

Zach ngambek krn Daddy tidak mau ajak jalan keliling. Yesterday, my spasmofilia was occured, the pain so bad. I talk to my baby.
mom   : Zach, sayang  Daddy kan?
Zach   : Enggak, sayang momi aja.
Mom  : Loh, nanti yang gendong Zach siapa?
Zach   : Momi aja,
Mom  : Kan momi lagi sakit tanggannya ga bisa gendung Zach
Zach  berjalan ke arah daddy sambil berpikir. Daddy sedang dalam posisi meringis krn pasang tampang sedih tidak disayang Zach.
Zach  : Daddy, Zach mau maap.. plisss...
Dad   : HUgs my baby boy... 

Kamis, 10 April 2014

[REVIEW] Restaurant - PAULANER BRAHAUSE Kempinski

Jakarta, 20 March 2014

It was my wedding anniversary, the 4th. Being 4 years together in marriage life been so much fun, its not they were without problems, problems especially on financial sometimes bring us down but since we are not focusing on the problem but to the solution, then we are survive, still way long to go..

Where to pick this time, I went to PAULANER BRAHAUSE - Yum Yum! It located in Grand Indonesia, lt.2 (its actually in Kempinski Hotel). Enter via East Gate, then up to 3rd  floor, using elevator to went down to 2nd floor.

They re-opened on last November 2013. My last time visit was in 2012 hehehe been a very long time ago. So I kinda miss the platter and the salmon gril,. yumyum!
paulaner from Elevator
Paulaner Frontliner

I finally ordered Cesar Salad as opener, Paulaner Platter for 2, the original home made beer its really the best beer in town!!
Paulaner Salad IDR 59,000,-

Paulaner Platter - IDR 275,000,-
I forget the name but this IDR 65,000,-
Light Beer - IDR 83,000,-

The platter is huge and actually both of us can't finish it. In one plate they serve Poaches smoked pork chopped, 2 vienna sausages, meatloaf, 1 debrener sausage, 2 nuremberg sausages, and crispy cork knucle serve with sauerkraut and a very smooth tasty mashed potatoes!

I love all the taste, its just fit to my tounge! The Light beer definitely a rock star!

Come again, later in another occasion,..

Have you try it also? what do you think?

++ all prices subject to 21% tax & service tax

More info:
Grand Indonesia East Mall, level 2
Telp. 2358 3871

Selasa, 08 April 2014

[REVIEW] Restaurant HAN GANG Senayan City

Jakarta, 26 March 2011 - Han Gang Senayan City

If you really had a limited time, eat Bibimbap! Yeah, I was having a visit from Circuit Overseer who is a Korean couple. At Lunch she was accompanied by my Mom and They ate my spectacular Mom's cook. Since, I am not that spectacular, restaurant is the best I can do. I pick Han Gang, since they must know what to order. Kim Juon and Miran(wife) were happy and they knew what to order.

We arrive at 6 pm, I ordered without reading the menu: Mbak we're in hurry please bring me, dolsot yache bibimbap and Ojienggo Bibimbap. Meanwhile Miran ordered Kalbitang and Kim ordered the same menu as I am.

They served "banchan" in 2 minutes we gave our ordered. Then our menu delivered after 7 minutes, which is very quick I considered, its Hot hot hot.. but we manage to eat it in 10 minutes and finally We could leave the restaurant at 6:38 pm yayyy.. (we had meeting for piooner at 7 pm and arrived 15 minutes before it started).

We were in hurry so we didn't take any picture, but the picture from might help.
Dolsot Bibimbap - IDR 58,000

Ojienggo Bibimbap - IDR 58,000

Galbitang - around IDR 79,000 - forget hehehe

What makes me happy?
1. The location is very near to my house
2. Surprisingly they taste as nice in Walter Monginsidi
3. Bibimbap rocks with Indonesian taste much better than the other restaurant serve bibimbap only in Senayan City also..
4. They gave me 15% discount as they were having anniversary at the moment yayy..

I love Korean Cuisine and will never regret to drop by again to taste some more ;) How about you fellas?

Hangang senayan city
LG Floor Unit L-09A telp. 021 7278 1231

Rabu, 19 Maret 2014

[TalkOutlaugh] My Cute Conversation

Its been 4 weeks my baby come to sick and heal sick and heal.. I feel sad but in the other way I see him so strong and be brave to take all medicine..

Lucu nya dengan begini aku juga sadar kalau anakku sudah bisa minum obat dan dikasih pengertian meski usianya sekarang menginjak 2 tahun 2 bulan,..

Suatu pagi,

Momi : Zac, momi kerja dl ya.. Kamu jangan nakal ya
Zac : Iya, Daddy?
Momi : Daddy kerja juga..
Momi : Nanti jangan makan kerupuk, ciki, permen, puding dan es ya, kan lagi sakit batuk
Zac : iya momi, donut boleh?
Momi : Donut ga boleh kan digoreng,
Zac: teh manis boleh?
Momi : teh manis boleh kalo hangat ya..
Zac : Liat kelinci boleh ga?
Momi : #$@ &*^ ... boooleh sih (sambil bingung ini kan bukan makanan hahaha)

Anak kecil tuh kalau ingin tahu kadang suka g nyambung, tapi justru jadi lucu..

I love baby Zachary

Selasa, 11 Maret 2014


Bogor, 18 February 2014.

Aston Bogor is a new hotel in Bogor, at least its newer than Novotel. We had a meeting here, and the price was quite compatible. Not too expensive but not to low as well, since we got corporate rate.
My first impression about this hotel, parking area was a bit to dry, not so many trees. What impressive is that the hotel located between River, that when you across the bridge to room location you will feel calm seeing and hearing the river flow. I love it. The room well maintained, the service was so so, We need to wait so long to get a check in even though we had book 16 room in advance and they know when we would arrive. 

The room is quite spacious and comfy, the coach etc its similar to apartment unit, maybe that's why they call this resort.They have pleasant pool and the gym was also nice, the massage not too pricey and the location of the hotel is far from everywhere, but no worry there is restaurant nearby the hotel.

There is no impression for the meals and the restaurant for my 2days staying here, but since the price is affordable, I wasn't expecting much either.

Please find below this recent picture that might help you to decide to use the hotel. 

This hotel is recommended to Family who want to spend their leisure time.

the kitchen area when entering the room, they had safety box, fridge and water cooker.

The living room, head to the balcony is pretty spacious

The DOUBLE Bed Room

The Twin Room - sorry my bag is already there/

The toilet is clean and doensnt have bad smell

they closet is in the normal size

The balcony 

the breakfast area

my breakfast, the bacon was too salty..and the omelette has no taste

Kamis, 23 Januari 2014

[Review] LUCIDO L Vitamin Spray

I see it in TV commercial and when I visit lotte market the price is not that high.
So, I try to get one *commercialvictim*
I always interested with hair product, like make it smooth, shiny etc.

It has a pink color and the inside is plain liquid. Well I just use it for 1 week only, but I can tell I am not recommend this item.
let me share you my experience:
1. It has only light effect but no shiny, perhaps because it is a vitamin
2. They smell nice and make your hair fresher, even if you don't wash your hair everyday.
3. It makes your hair feel lighter, which is good but still can't make your hair look straight.
4. Look healthy? I can't tell in a week the effect its not so obvious since I have a normal hair and not too greasy or dry.

Its not fair to talk that LUCIDO - L from Mandom its not a good, Maybe I will try the other product.
I am interested to buy the Olive Oil. We'll see the effect, will it be as good as SKINFOOD Olive serum.


Rabu, 08 Januari 2014

[MEDAN TRIP] Budgeting expense

As I promised earlier, if you want to make a budget trip to Samosir Island, please see attached my expenses.
Remember this is not expense for 1 person, this is total for 5 person.
I went there with my Mom, Mother in Law, Husband, sister in law and my baby Zach, so actually there are six of us.
I don't know how you consider this 6 days travelling is expensive or not.
But, I think I had made an effort this should be cheap.
IDR 1,200,000,- per person include hotel and ticket. Isn't Fascinating!
So just hold on to Tiger Airways promo for kind of budget travelling!

Peek on my other story in this trip, click these link:

Rabu, 01 Januari 2014

Demam Cupcake

Jakarta, 2 Jan 2014 - Sekarang tuh di Jakarta lagi demam cupcake. Jadi ada yang aku bilang sih semacam Cupcake Moment seperti, Nyelametin temen yang hamil, melahirkan, baby shower, or bahkan minta maaf ke pasangan hidup or sekedar untuk farewell dan sebagainya.

Nah, aku ikutan demam dong, karena tidak merayakan Ultah, Natal, tahun baru atau hari raya lainnya, kali ini aku make moment kasih ucapan terima kasih buat mertua aku yang super baik. Jadi ceritanya aku pengen beli cupcake dan browsing2 akhirnya nemu deh contact ini: Dwi Hastomo- 081382518736. 

Sebenarnya rada sangsi karena ada takut juga kalau kuenya kurang enak, tapi ternyata in the contrary Cupcake-nya has a smooth taste and good to eat. Sebenarnya disaat yang sama aku order cupcake juga buat suami dari vendor yang lain tapi ga enak dimakan hehehe.. 

I love the taste I love their design, so will order again later for sure. Wait aku ciptain moment dulu deh ;)

Easy link to get in touch with them and see the design: hastomomo.
